MS ICT Institute

We are committed to build your career as an IT Professional, Freelance
Computer Course: Basic Computer Training, Graphic Design, Digital Marketing, Print on Demand-POD, Freelancing etc.
Academic Care: Accounting, Finance, Management, Marketing, Information and Communication Technology - ICT.

Our Training

Our Training

Training! Computer training. It’s very essential & popular in all over the world from 1960 to present. This is the technology, which can learn easily by any person. In our country, it is being populared day by day. There is another person learn, this technology. That is freelancing.

Our Training

Training! Computer training. It’s very essential & popular in all over the world from 1960 to present. This is the technology, which can learn easily by any person. In our country, it is being populared day by day. There is another person learn, this technology. That is freelancing.
Freelancing is how the most first choice profession for young to middle age people. But easy for whom?Easy for skilled one not for others.
If you are skilled in accounting, MS-Word, or any others practical job, you can easy from online.
Aearehtech, from the beginning, wants to make people skilled in computer technology. We want skilled people should take a past of freelancing. Otherwise the online marketplace can be ruined for skilled people. So, we always focused on quality training. We believe that IT Institute should have three important facts. The very important three facts are; (i) Good environment of learning (ii) Good trainers & (iii) Good course outline. These three facts we always focused on
So, we have the ability to make skilled people & create skilled leaders. We believe technology learning for everyone. So we focused various it training materials, not only on subject of training.
We are working to skill people for their carrier in professional life. So we focus on both Corporate and General People to skill on. We have two types of training program (1) Corporate Training Program and (2) Computer training for Freelancing.

In Corporate Training Program, we have 3 types of courses. They are below:


IT Management


Graphic Design for Office Management


Social Media Management for Office

On the other hand, our Computer Training for Freelancing, there are 4 types of course initially.:


Web Design & Development


Graphic Design


SEO Analysis and Digital Marketing


Video Editing & VFX

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